Safety & Ergonomics Has A New Website!

Visit our new intranet site on SharePoint for the latest safety & ergonomics information.

Visit The Site!

The Risk Management Division works with the Central Safety Committee and departmental safety committees to develop occupational health and safety programs and activities, conducts accident and complaint investigations and provides specialized occupational health and safety training and safety equipment. The Division also manages 14 insurance and self-insurance programs that are used to control exposure in the areas of general and automobile liability, medical malpractice and property damage as well as contractual liability.

Risk Management Content:
We are currently updating the content on these pages.
  • Medical Clearance for Respirator Use Form
  • Permanent Modified Work
  • Risk Management FAQs
  • Temporary Modified Work
  • Worker's Compensation Benefits Mandated by State Law
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Workers' Compensation Benefits
  • Workers' Compensation Benefits Voluntarily Provided By The County Of San Mateo To Its Employees

Contact Risk Management

The staff of the Risk Management division is available to answer your questions by telephone or e-mail.... View more

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